Download Tutorial Revit Arsitektur : Cert Prep Revit Architecture Certified Professional
BIM (Building Information Modeling) adalah sebuah representasi digital dari
suatu model 3D yang mengandung parameter informasi penting di dalam komponen 3D
tersebut. Model 3D ini akan menjadi database proyek mulai dari perencanaan,
pelaksanaan hingga maintenance dan operasional.
Software BIM yang akan digunakan adalah Autodesk Revit.
Revit merupakan produk dari Autodesk. Software ini digunakan untuk pemodelan 3D
pekerjaan struktur beton, pembesian, baja, arsitektur dan sebagainya. Output
yang dihasilkan adalah Model 3D, Quantity take Off, Gambar Kerja, Gambar
Rendering dan sebagainya.
Kami menghadirkan Tutorial Autodesk Revit Struktural, untuk
temen-temen yang semangat belajar hal baru termasuk Software Revit ini.
Apa yang di kirimkan dalam paket ?
1. Tutorial Revit Struktural : Cert Prep Revit Architecture Certified
2. File Templete Revit 2021
2. Link Download Revit 2021 & Enscape
3. Bonus Data Teknik Sipil
Spesifikasi Produk :
Nama Produk : Cert Prep Revit Architecture Certified Professional
Pembicara : Shaun Briant
Bahasa : English
Format : .mp4
Durasi : 03:31:00
Ukuran : 856 Mb
Translate : Ya (Bahasa Inggris)
Isi Materi :
001 Welcome
002 What you should know before watching this course
003 Using the exercise files
004 Revit compatibility
005 What is an Autodesk certification
006 Autodesk Certified User
007 Autodesk Certified Professional
008 Copying and monitoring elements
009 Using worksharing
010 Importing DWG and image files
011 Using worksharing visualization
012 Assess review warnings in Revit
013 Creating and modifying filled regions
014 Placing detail components and repeating details
015 Tagging elements by category - Doors and windows
016 Using dimension strings
017 Setting colors in a color scheme legend
018 Working with phases
019 Changing elements within a curtain wall - Grids, panels, and mullions
020 Creating compound walls
021 Creating stacked walls
022 Differentiating system and component families
023 Working with family parameters
024 Creating new family types
025 Creating a building pad
026 Defining floors for a mass
027 Creating a stair with a landing
028 Creating elements such as floors, ceilings, or roofs
029 Generating a toposurface
030 Modeling railings
031 Editing model element materials - Doors, windows, and furniture
032 Changing a generic floor-ceiling-roof to a specific type
033 Attaching walls to a roof or ceiling
034 Editing room-aware families
035 Defining element properties in a schedule
036 Controlling visibility
037 Using levels
038 Creating a duplicate view for a plan, section, elevation, and drafting view
039 Creating and managing legends
040 Managing view positions on sheets
041 Organizing and sorting items in a schedule
042 Next steps
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